Tietoja minusta

Oma kuva
" Dancing on the path and singing; now you got away. You can reach the goals that you have set from now on, every day. There is no way you would go back now, oh no, those days are past. Life is waiting for the one who loves to live, and it is not a secret.. "

sunnuntai 5. joulukuuta 2010

"The War is over, all is lost.."

" The War is over, all is lost.
Down the drain, keep fingers crossed..
Hope the World forgets or the World forgives
Charm their minds and hearts, once more..
For me. "

Sain siskolta 4 hengen lahjakortin risteily,
mummi vissii lähtee kai mein mukaa huoltajaks :p
It's going to be awsome o/
Lotta ollu meillä torstaista saakka :D 
Ja nyt se men pois.
Keskiviikkona Hesaa, mummelille majoilee n______n
Umm... Eiköhän tää ollu tässä.

Tappi kuittaa o/

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